About the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is a translation of community values and aspirations into public policy. The Plan includes Goals, Objectives, and Policies intended to guide economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the community over the next twenty years. To ensure a unified vision, the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan is a joint document adopted by both the City of Tallahassee and Leon County.
Tallahassee and Leon County jointly developed their first comprehensive plan in 1981. As a result of growth management legislation at the State level, the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan was rewritten in 1990.The Comprehensive Plan is a dynamic document and can be amended on an annual basis. Information concerning the amendment process is available in the Comprehensive Plan Amendments section.
2025 Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Mobility Elements Update
The Tallahassee-Leon Comprehensive Plan is the community's plan for how growth and development occur in the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. It includes goals, objectives, and policies regarding how land is developed to accommodate projected population growth, how infrastructure is planned and provided to support anticipated growth, how natural features are protected, and how various other factors that promote a high quality of life are addressed in the community. The current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1990 and has been amended each year since adoption. In considering an update, the Commissions determined that two crucial elements, the Land Use and Transportation elements, should be the focus of the efforts.
The City and County Commissions directed that a consultant be used for the work in 2021. After an extensive selection process, Halff and Associates, Inc., was chosen and a contract secured in early 2023. The consultant initiated a kick-off and other activities in September 2023. Additional information about the activities between 2021 to 2025, including the development of a project website, data collection and analysis, and other efforts have been presented to the Commissions and the Local Planning Agency. The information and on-going efforts can be found on the plan update website at https://www.compplantlc.com/.
Drafts of Proposed Goals, Objectives and Policies - Public Comment Needed
New! Drafts of the proposed Goals, Objectives and Policies for Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan Update are available for comment! Please use the comment forms for each of the Draft Goals, Objectives and Policies below.
An open-ended comment box is provided for the Goal and each of the Objectives and its supporting Policies. A final open-ended comment box is provided for any additional comments you may have.
Each of the six draft Goals will be released separately in a similar format. Input will become a part of the public record and inform revisions to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies.
The draft Objectives and Policies support the over-arching vision of Goals through measurable targets for how the community should grow through the horizon year of 2050. The Land Use and Mobility Element focuses on guiding the way in which we develop and protect lands, and how our transportation system is planned, implemented, and maintained.
Please take a moment to review the graphic below (select it to enlarge), which shows the difference and relationship between Goals, Objectives, and Policies.

Please anticipate 30-45 minutes to read the draft language and provide input.
You are also welcome to provide your written comments by email or post. Please email to planning@talgov.com or mail to TLC Planning Department, 300 S Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301.
Public Input Portal
The page provides an on-line public input comment form for the draft Goals and Objectives for the plan update. The available draft goals and objectives present over-arching visions and measurable targets for how the community should grow through the horizon year of 2050 and will form the foundation for the development of specific future-oriented policies that will guide the way in which we develop and protect lands in Tallahassee-Leon County and how our transportation system should be planned, implemented, and maintained. This comment form will be open through January 31, 2025. Input received, to the extent possible, will be incorporated into a workshop with the Local Planning Agency on February 4, 2025, and a joint workshop with the City and County Commissions on February 25, 2025. It is anticipated that reading the draft goals and objectives and providing input will take approximately 30 minutes to an hour. If you prefer to review the draft goals and objectives prior to starting the comment form, they are available online. If you prefer to provide your comments in writing, please send them to planning@talgov.com or mail them to TLC Planning Department, 300 S Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301.
Past Community Engagement Overview
A major component of the planning process is hearing the community's voice and translating that voice into a guiding vision for the future. Over the past two years, events and activities have included an Educational Roadshow (September 18-20, 2023), Vision Survey (Open through October 2023 - November 27, 2023), Exploration Tour Survey (September 18 - January 2024), Community Building Blocks Survey (December 2023 - February 2024), and Strengthen, Transform, Enhance, and Preserve (STEP) Framework meetings (January 29 and 30). More detailed information can be found on the website.
Vision Road Map
A vision plan roadmap is a blueprint for the future direction and development of a community, which is determined by the shared values of city staff, elected and appointed officials, and citizens. The visioning process resulted in identifying six community value statements.
- Stewards of the Environment - Tallahassee and Leon County shall be stewards of the built and natural environments. Sustainable development best practices will be deployed when reviewing and permitting new development and redevelopment. There will be equitable access to clean water, clean air, and healthy blueways and green spaces. Natural habitats will be preserved and maintained to ensure long-term viability and admiration in our urban and rural spaces.
- Growing Conscientiously - Tallahassee and Leon County will grow conscientiously, balancing the needs of growth and conservation to allow for purposeful development. Distinguishing between the rural and urban areas will provide for a clearer path for diverse lifestyle choices; the ability to guide development in areas where commercial and residential expansion should occur while deterring sprawl; and promoting fiscal and economic resilience.
- A Connected Community - Tallahassee and Leon County will be a well-connected community, providing affordable, equitable, and accessible mobility options. The network of roadways, trails, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and transit services will provide complete and safe connections throughout the community.
- Diverse - Tallahassee and Leon County will promote and preserve prosperity in our beloved communities of diversity. Historical decision-making has left some communities adversely affected and disadvantaged Forward-thinking policies and investments will ensure the restoration and longevity of these thriving, cultural communities.
- Community Focused - Tallahassee and Leon County will be a community focused on neighborhoods, activity centers, and nodes that will be designed and built to achieve accessibility, safety, sustainability, and healthy environments. Residents varying in stages of life and income levels will have a variety of housing and community options that meet their needs.
- Prosperous - Tallahassee and Leon County will be prosperous communities promoting economic growth, innovation, and development by continuing to attract domestic and international businesses. The sound presence of government facilities and higher education will continue to support a strong, local economy that provides a job base for residents at all levels.
The framing of the Vision Plan Roadmap around these community values provides a foundation for building on and developing comprehensive plan goals, objectives, and policies.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Tentative Meeting Schedule
The 2025 Tentative Meeting Schedule includes Local Planning Agency workshops and public hearings. The Local Planning Agency, City Commission, and Board of County Commissioners appreciate information that would be useful to them in their deliberations on the update.
Date/Time |
Meeting |
Purpose |
Location |
January 7
(Tuesday) |
Local Planning Agency |
Local Planning Agency /Planning Commission Presentation on the plan update
Renaissance Center
2nd Floor
435 North Macomb Street |
This optional meeting provides information and an opportunity for the Local Planning Agency (LPA) to discuss comprehensive planning and understand the upcoming update. Interested citizens may attend but no formal public comment is taken. |
February 4
(Tuesday) |
Local Planning Agency |
Local Planning Agency Workshop on the on Comprehensive Plan Update |
Renaissance Center
2nd Floor
435 North Macomb Street |
This optional meeting provides information and an opportunity for the Local Planning Agency (LPA) to discuss specifics of the comprehensive plan update. Interested citizens may attend but no formal public comment is taken. |
February 25 |
Joint Commissions |
Workshop on the Comprehensive Plan Update |
County Commission Chambers
5th Floor
County Courthouse |
This optional meeting provides information and an opportunity for both the City and County Commissions to discuss specifics of the comprehensive plan update. Interested citizens may attend but no formal public comment is taken. |
March 11 |
Local Planning Agency |
Local Planning Agency Workshop on the on Comprehensive Plan Update |
Renaissance Center
2nd Floor
435 North Macomb Street |
This optional meeting provides information and an opportunity for the Local Planning Agency (LPA) to discuss specifics of the comprehensive plan update. Interested citizens may attend and provide public comment. |
April 1 |
Local Planning Agency |
Local Planning Agency public hearing |
Renaissance Center
2nd Floor
435 North Macomb Street |
This is a statutorily mandated public hearing for amendments with the Local Planning Agency. The LPA makes any consistency determinations and makes recommendation(s) to the Commissions. Each interested citizen has up to three minutes to speak. |
April 16
(Wednesday) |
City Commission |
Transmittal Hearing |
City Commission Chambers
2nd Floor
City Hall |
This is a statutorily mandated public hearing for amendments with the City Commission. The Commission votes on whether to transmit the proposed amendments to the state land planning review agencies. Each interested citizen has up to three minutes to speak. |
May 13
(Tuesday) |
County Commission |
Transmittal Hearing |
County Commission Chambers
5th Floor
County Courthouse |
This is a statutorily mandated public hearing for amendments with the County Commission. The Commission votes on whether to transmit the proposed amendments to the state land planning review agencies. Each interested citizen has up to three minutes to speak. |
June 11
(Wednesday) |
City Commission |
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adoption |
City Commission Chambers
2nd Floor
City Hall |
This is a statutorily mandated public hearing for amendments with the City Commission. The Commission reviews comments received from State agencies regarding the proposed amendments and votes on whether to adopt the proposed amendments. At public hearings, each interested citizen has up to three minutes to speak. |
July 8
(Tuesday) |
County Commission |
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adoption |
County Commission Chambers
5th Floor
County Courthouse |
This is a statutorily mandated public hearing for amendments with the County Commission. The Commission reviews comments received from State agencies regarding the proposed amendments and votes on whether to adopt the proposed amendments. At public hearings, each interested citizen has up to three minutes to speak. |
The meeting schedule is subject to change in the event of unforeseen circumstances or direction by the entities involved in the development, review and approval of the comprehensive plan update. All meetings requiring public notice will be on the Column platform. Those interested are encouraged to review the schedule for updates and changes on a regular basis.
Online Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of multiple Elements, each addressing certain aspects of the community. Each Element is made up of aspirational goals, measurable objectives, and strategic policies. Goals are the long-term ends to which programs and activities are ultimately directed. Objectives are specific, measurable, intermediate ends that are achievable and mark progress towards goals. Policies are programs and activities conducted to achieve identified objectives and goals.
The Complete Comprehensive Plan
Download Complete Comprehensive Plan -
Please note: The Table of Contents and General Index contained within this PDF of the Complete Comprehensive Plan are for reference only and are not adopted.
Download A Citizen's Guide to the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan
Individual Comprehensive Plan Elements
Download Complete Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Element
Land Use Addendum
Mobility Element
Utilities Element
Conservation Element
Parks and Recreation Element
Housing Element
Historic Preservation Element
Intergovernmental Coordination Element
Capital Improvements Element
Capital Improvements Schedule
Economic Development Element
Public School Facilities Element
Property Rights Element
Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures
DISCLAIMER: This online version of the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan is posted for the convenience of the public. Effort has been made to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate and up-to-date. However, neither the City of Tallahassee nor Leon County provide any guarantee, express or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information contained herein; nor shall either the City of Tallahassee or Leon County be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, represented by the information contained herein. Furthermore, in no event will the City of Tallahassee or Leon County be liable for any lost profits or any damages, including direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or any other types of damages, arising out of the use of this electronic version of the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan on the Internet.
If you are relying upon the Comprehensive Plan to make a legal decision or a decision regarding purchase of property, you are urged to contact the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department directly and to review an official printed copy of the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan.