login to your utility account and click the "Requests" tab or fill out the form below to begin. You may also call 850-891-4968 to speak with a Commercial Waste Management Services Division representative.
Who May Participate: Any City of Tallahassee Commercial Waste Management Services customers needing a special pickup of bulky items, yard waste or construction & demolition debris
Special Service Pickup Rate:
- $122.20 per quarter hour
Minimum charge $122.20 (this is a timed rate & does not include travel time)
Disposal Fees:
- Garbage (Class I) - $55.12 per ton
- Clean Yard Waste (Class II) - $44.19 per ton
- Bagged Yard Waste (Class II) - $48.72 per ton
- Mixed Bulk Waste (Class III) - $43.51 per ton
- Clean Bulk Waste (Class III) - $43.51 per ton
- Mixed Special Waste Collection (items prohibited from regular service): $113.30
- Tires - $181.28 per ton or prorated depending on weight
Please Note: Service cannot be provided to businesses with delinquent accounts. Please allow 3 - 5 business days for service from the date request is submitted. The date of the request is automatically generated when you submit your request.
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